July 21, 2009


Name: Dell (デル)
Console: Inspiron 1545 Dell Laptop
Gender: Male
Height: 5'4" (163cm)
Likes: Peaches
Dislikes: Ghosts

Description: Dell is for the most part easygoing, but as the first male to join the household, he is often the subject of much female attention, putting him in awkward situations. While generally helpful, though not a fan of multitasking, due to his brand he is quite susceptible to viruses. Because of this he is unenthusiastic about downloading unfamiliar programs when asked, but has been known to disable his own antivirus software in order to access "unstrusted" websites for his own pleasure.
Dell has an extreme love of peaches despite the fact that, as an elejin, he does not ingest food. In addition, while he does not himself possess a sense of smell, Dell has been described as having a distinct peachy aroma from both his console and his person. The reason for this is unknown.
As the result of accidentally viewing an old horror film, Dell has a fear of ghosts, believing that they are able to take control of electronic devices such as himself. It is a known and highly apparent fear of his that he still refuses to admit. He is also extremely self conscious about the hair sticking up on top of his head and is constantly trying to find ways to hide it.